Art Narrative Essay

This is my art narrative essay.

Crack! Tap tap… ribbit. Scribble scribble, tap tap, scrub scrub. Tap tap… saved data, please don’t turn off the system. These sequence of sounds take me back to a time as a kid using my Nintendo DSi to create animations of Dragon Ball Z stick figures fighting each other. All my work was done on an application called FlipNote, an animation program for people to create their own animations with basic tools for the DSi and 3DS. Animated shows were my favorite and I watched Cartoon Network everyday to enjoy the creative storytelling complemented by diverse art styles that kept my interests. It was no fancy program but I enjoyed what I created with it as I experimented and looked at others’ creations they uploaded online. My eyes lit up as I see animations of really cool art with music that fit the scene creating feelings of inspiration and euphoria watching characters dash across the screen while making exaggerated movements. Looking back at it now, I realize where my passion for art and animation come from, Flipnote.

Animation became my main interest for everyday activity to invest in. I’d tap on that little orange frog with my stylus pen and start drawing. I was really inspired from the fighting, action/adventure and comedy aspect of entertainment so the animations would be filled with a lot of fighting and not so much story. The sophisticated and well made production studios brought to creating cartoons on the television screen was my goal. I even watched Youtube videos on how to draw certain characters from these tv shows I watched to practice. I even started watching YouTubers like TheOdd1sOut, Cypherden, Jaiden Animations and others listening to storytelling that I could connect with. Watching these creations move across the screen helped me understand the meaning of animation and what it meant to be an animator. I loved great art and great storytelling so animation is a perfect fit with what I want to do for the majority of my life.

Whenever I had the time, I would invest in making animations on Flipnote. I was new to drawing digitally and I wasn’t the best drawer but I had so much fun expressing my creativity on the screen. For hours I would draw stick figures fighting each other and learning the concept of animation on my own. I started doing more detailed drawings on paper where I had more control and show my family what I drew. Drawing more sophisticated characters on paper gave me more confidence and led me to becoming an artist. I had a thick blue folder that was filled with paper drawings of my favorite cartoons. I lost it some time ago but the passion always stuck. I still do that today as I am pursuing art as a profession in college. Art has been a very important part of my life and it continues to be bigger one when I become a professional animator. I want to create cartoons and videos to connect with other people lighting up that same spark lit in me as a child.

Flipnote application icon from DSi. Created by Nintendo